Browser-Based Debugging

While acknowledging that debugging is a subject on which entire books are written, and that each software project presents its own unique challenges, the Enyo team would like to offer some general guidance as you work to perfect your application.

Whatever the details of your situation, the first rule of Enyo debugging remains the same: It's much easier to debug an Enyo app running in a desktop browser than one running on a device, so debug in a desktop browser whenever possible.

Of course, there will likely be times when debugging in a browser won't satisfy your needs--if your app interacts with on-device services, for example, or if it exhibits bad behavior only when running on a particular device platform. So we'll also look at the options available for debugging Enyo apps running on devices.

Desktop Browsers

As an Enyo app developer, you have an assortment of powerful, free debugging tools at your disposal, since all of the major desktop browsers now have built-in tools for JavaScript developers. Modern browsers combine standard debug tools--a console for displaying log output (generated by the enyo/logger module), the ability to set breakpoints, and so on--with Web-specific tools, such as DOM and CSS inspectors (which are particularly useful for tracking down UI glitches).

Refer to the following instructions to access the developer tools in your browser of choice.


To access the WebKit Inspector, enter Command-Option-I on Mac or Control-Shift-I on Windows.


To enable the Develop menu, select Edit > Preferences > Advanced; then check the box marked "Show Develop menu in menu bar".

To access the WebKit Inspector, enter Command-Option-I on Mac, or Control-Alt-I on Windows.


To install the Firebug debugger, open Firefox > Web Developer > Get More Tools; then click the Add to Firefox button.

Once installed, access Firebug by opening Firefox > Web Developer > Firebug > Open Firebug.

To access the Developer Toolbar, enter Shift-F2 on Mac or Windows.

Internet Explorer

To access the Developer Tools, enter F12.

Mobile Browsers

Whenever you debug an app that's running on a device, you'll follow the same basic process--first, establish a connection between the device and a more powerful machine (typically a desktop or laptop computer), then use tools on that machine to remotely monitor output from your app on the device.

For detailed information on how to proceed on a variety of mobile platforms, follow the links listed below.


iOS 6+

In iOS 6 and later, you can debug a Safari or Cordova/PhoneGap app on a device or in the simulator through a remote WebKit Inspector connection via Safari 6 on Mac.


Chrome for Android

Firefox for Android


Other Tools

Basic Tips

Most of the time, your Enyo app will be running in one of two states--initial application generation or normal runtime event handling. If you suspect a problem is occurring during app creation, you could put a breakpoint on the main renderInto() call for your app object and step through the code from there. However, this will take you through a lot of internal framework code. Instead, you may find it helpful to set breakpoints on particularly complex create() or rendered() calls in your kinds.

(Keep in mind that you may invoke the JavaScript keyword "debugger" in your code to force a break at a given line, in addition to using the breakpoint-setting capabilities of your browser's debugger.)

Enyo exposes a global enyo.require() method that allows for loading modules at run-time from the console. This allows for creating objects or viewing static properties from Enyo modules. Any module to be required must have been included with the app when it was packaged.

All named Enyo components are available from the $ hash of the enyo/dispatcher module, so inspecting that property will show all the created objects in your application. The generated ids are based on the hierarchy of your application, so you can use names to help with auto-completion. For an individual Enyo object, its own $ hash shows what is owned by that object.

For tracing events, it's often useful to set a conditional breakpoint on the dispatch() method from enyo/Component based on the value of e.type. This will let you avoid stopping on events you don't care about. You can then step through the code to see how the event is routed from its original target up through the ownership hierarchy.

Console Debugging

By watching the console in the debugger, you can sometimes detect errors from the JavaScript engine that aren't caught by exception handlers.

In general, you should use the enyo/logger methods (log(), warn(), and error()) instead of calling console.log() directly, since enyo/logging has better cross-platform support. (For example, you'll get errors in older, unsupported versions of IE if you call console.log() when the Developer Tools aren't open, since the act of opening the tools creates the window.console object, which otherwise doesn't exist.)

A little-known (but very useful) fact is that calling this.log() from any Enyo kind will prepend the kind and function names to the log message, saving you the time and effort of manually logging that basic data.

Common Pitfalls


