Tutorial: Building a Moonstone App


In this tutorial, we will build a basic TV application using the Moonstone UI library. Our application will perform Flickr searches, and will follow Moonstone's "always viewing" Panels pattern.

We'll walk through the creation of "Search" and "Detail" panel views, crafting subkinds of enyo/Source, enyo/Collection and enyo/Model to meet the demands of the Flickr API, and binding the returned data to our views--all typical things you will need to do in an interactive, data-driven application.

If you'd like to get an idea of where we're heading, you can view the completed app or browse the completed source code.

1. Set up your development environment

There are four main tools that make up the bread-and-butter of Enyo development:

First Steps with Enyo provides detailed instructions for obtaining and installing these tools, along with some suggested choices (where appropriate). If you are already familiar with the tools, feel free to install them on your own and move on to step 2.

2. Install a moonstone app template

The enyo-dev tool does not include a Moonstone app template but makes it easy to add custom templates. We'll start by adding a Moonstone template and then use the template to create our base app.

TODO: Complete this

3. Set up main view

Since this app will be based on the Moonstone "Always Viewing" Panel pattern, let's set up our main view to have a moonstone/Panels instance (which will be responsible for maintaining a stack of panels and transitioning them left and right) and a single instance of moonstone/Panel, the default kind for views added to moonstone/Panels.

Edit file: src/views/views.js

    var kind = require('enyo/kind'),
        Panels = require('moonstone/Panels');

    var MainView = kind({
        name: 'MainView',
        classes: 'moon enyo-fit',
        components: [
            {kind: Panels, classes: 'enyo-fit', pattern: 'alwaysviewing', popOnBack: true, components: [
                {title: 'First Panel'}

    module.exports = { MainView: MainView };

Here we've created a simple kind named MainView, which is a subkind of enyo/Control (the default kind when no kind property is specified). As per our plan, the main view contains an instance of moonstone/Panels, which in turn contains an instance of moonstone/Panel.

Additional notes on this code:

Expert tip: Strictly speaking, enyo-fit will position the control within the bounds of the control's "offset parent", which is an HTML term referring to the first parent element up the DOM hierarchy from the element that is either position: absolute or position: relative. This will skip over parents that are position: static (the default for new elements), which may be confusing at first. To force a parent to be a control's "offset parent", simply set position: relative on the intended parent's CSS.

View the code and results of Step 3 in JSFiddle

4. Create a panel for searching

In the previous step, we added a dummy moonstone/Panel instance as a child of the moonstone/Panels. Now, let's create a moonstone/Panel subkind to implement the view in which the user searches for photos and browses the results.

Add to file: src/views/views.js

    var Panel = require('moonstone/Panel');

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        kind: Panel,
        title: 'Search Flickr',
        titleBelow: 'Enter search term above',
        headerOptions: {inputMode: true, dismissOnEnter: true},
        handlers: {
            onInputHeaderChange: 'search'
        search: function (sender, ev) {

Looking at SearchPanel, we see that it accepts input in the header and catches the onInputHeaderChange event that's generated, using a handler method called search(). We'll eventually use this method to fetch search results from the Flickr API.

Additional notes on this code:

Returning to MainView, we'll use our new SearchPanel as the first panel in the main view's moonstone/Panels, replacing the generic moonstone/Panel that we declared in Step 3.

Edit file: src/views/views.js

        name: 'MainView',
        classes: 'moon enyo-fit',
        components: [
            {kind: Panels, classes: 'enyo-fit', pattern: 'alwaysviewing', popOnBack: true, components: [
                {kind: SearchPanel}  // Use our new SearchPanel

View the code and results of Step 4 in JSFiddle

5. Add a grid to the search panel

Next, let's add a moonstone/DataGridList to the search panel. We'll use this to display thumbnails of the search results.

Edit file: src/views/views.js

    var DataGridList = require('moonstone/DataGridList'),
        GridListImageItem = require('moonstone/GridListImageItem');

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        kind: Panel,
        title: 'Search Flickr',
        titleBelow: 'Enter search term above',
        headerOptions: {inputMode: true, dismissOnEnter: true},
        handlers: {
            onInputHeaderChange: 'search'
        components: [
            {kind: DataGridList, fit: true, name: 'resultList', minWidth: 250, minHeight: 300, components: [
                {kind: GridListImageItem, imageSizing: 'cover', useSubCaption: false, centered: false}
        search: function (sender, ev) {

Here we've added a components block, the contents of which are placed under the header inside of the panel. Within the components block, we have a moonstone/DataGridList, which has a moonstone/GridListImageItem that serves as the list template that is repeated for each model.

Additional notes on this code:

If you try running the app after these changes, you shouldn't see any changes from the previous step. That's because the DataGridList requires data in order to render items; right now, we have none. In the next step, we'll rectify this situation.

View the code and results of Step 5 in JSFiddle

6. Bind a data collection to the grid

As we've just seen, a DataGridList requires a collection of data to drive the set of items rendered in the list. enyo/Collection is a subkind of enyo/Component that provides an array-like data structure for handling instances of enyo/Model, with support for observing additions to and deletions from the array. The DataGridList will render one instance of the controls in its components block for each model contained in the collection. The model will then be set to the model property of the top-level control for each item, and bindings from the model property into the view properties will control how data from each model is represented in the view.

For your information: If you're interested in a complete overview of Enyo's data-layer features, including bindings, observers, computed properties, models, collections, and data-aware controls (such as DataGridList), see Building Data-Driven Apps.

To make this grid go, first we'll create a generic enyo/Collection when the panel is instantiated by overriding the SearchPanel control's create() method. We set the new collection as the value of an instance variable on the control, which we'll call "photos":

Edit file: src/views/views.js

    var Collection = require('enyo/Collection');

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        create: function () {
            this.set('photos', new Collection());

Next, we'll add a binding from that instance variable to the collection property of our DataGridList:

Edit file: src/views/views.js

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        bindings: [
            {from: 'photos', to: '$.resultList.collection'}

Then we'll add bindings from the model property on GridListImageItem (which, you may recall, will be retrieved from the collection and set on each item by the DataGridList) to properties on the GridListImageItem. Note that this assumes each model will have a schema that includes properties named title and thumbnail.

Edit file: src/views/views.js

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        components: [
            {kind: DataGridList, ..., components: [
                {kind: GridListImageItem, ..., bindings: [
                    {from: 'model.title', to: 'caption'},
                    {from: 'model.thumbnail', to: 'source'}

Finally, let's give our new collection some placeholder data, to make sure it's all hooked up correctly. We'll remove this once we have actual data fetched from Flickr to use.

Edit file: src/views/views.js

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        create: function () {
            this.set('photos', new Collection([
                {title: 'Photo 1', thumbnail: 'http://lorempixel.com/300/300/?1'},
                {title: 'Photo 2', thumbnail: 'http://lorempixel.com/300/300/?2'},
                {title: 'Photo 3', thumbnail: 'http://lorempixel.com/300/300/?3'},
                {title: 'Photo 4', thumbnail: 'http://lorempixel.com/300/300/?4'}

The final SearchPanel implementation for this step should look like this:

File: src/views/views.js

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        kind: Panel,
        title: 'Search Flickr',
        titleBelow: 'Enter search term above',
        headerOptions: {inputMode: true, dismissOnEnter: true},
        handlers: {
            onInputHeaderChange: 'search'
        components: [
            {kind: DataGridList, fit: true, name: 'resultList', minWidth: 250, minHeight: 300, components: [
                {kind: GridListImageItem, imageSizing: 'cover', useSubCaption: false, centered: false, bindings: [
                    {from: 'model.title', to: 'caption'},
                    {from: 'model.thumbnail', to: 'source'}
        bindings: [
            {from: 'photos', to: '$.resultList.collection'}
        create: function () {
            this.set('photos', new Collection([
                {title: 'Photo 1', thumbnail: 'http://lorempixel.com/300/300/?1'},
                {title: 'Photo 2', thumbnail: 'http://lorempixel.com/300/300/?2'},
                {title: 'Photo 3', thumbnail: 'http://lorempixel.com/300/300/?3'},
                {title: 'Photo 4', thumbnail: 'http://lorempixel.com/300/300/?4'}
        search: function (sender, ev) {

Additional notes on this code:

View the code and results of Step 6 in JSFiddle

7. Create a data source for the Flickr API

Dummy data does not make for an interesting app, so in the next few steps, we'll start making custom data-related kinds for interacting with the Flickr API. In this step, we'll build a subkind of enyo/Source to fetch data from

Enyo provides a layered approach to defining logic specific to fetching, committing changes, and deleting records from back-end data sources. At the foundation, these are based on enyo/Source, which implements an abstract API for the fetch, commit, find, and destroy operations common to all collections and models you'll retrieve from a given back-end. Subkinds of enyo/Collection and enyo/Model may then specify a default data source to perform these operations, fetching/committing/destroying data in the collection or model on behalf of itself, often by passing properties on the model or collection subkind that provide the source with information about how to retrieve the data. A model or collection may also provide overrides for any of these operations on a case-by-case basis as needed.

Enyo provides two concrete data sources by default, one for fetching data from an Ajax source using XHR (enyo/AjaxSource) and one for fetching data from a Jsonp source (enyo/JsonpSource). Both of these sources assume a REST interface by default, but may be customized.

We will be using Flickr's Jsonp Web services; this will make testing in the browser easier, since Jsonp lets us avoid the cross-origin security restrictions that browsers implement. As such, our source will extend enyo/JsonpSource.

First, we'll create a Source subkind that sets the urlRoot property, which enyo/JsonpSource uses as the base URL for making requests. This URL is common to all requests to the Flickr API, so it makes sense to specify it on the source directly:

Add to file: src/data/data.js

    var JsonpSource = require('enyo/JsonpSource');

    var Source = kind({
        name: 'Source',
        kind: JsonpSource,
        urlRoot: 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/',

Next, let's override the fetch/commit/destroy API that enyo/JsonpSource provides to better suit our needs. Since we'll be utilizing read-only portions of the API, we only need to override the fetch() function.

Specifically, we'll take the opts object used by enyo/JsonpSource's fetch() implementation and add properties that all Flickr requests will need. This includes customizing the callbackName property to match the one expected by Flickr's API. We'll also set the api_key and format keys on the params hash, which will be expanded into query string parameters on the Jsonp request.

Edit file: src/data/data.js

    var Source = kind({
        name: 'Source',
        kind: JsonpSource,
        urlRoot: 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/',
        fetch: function (rec, opts) {
            opts.callbackName = 'jsoncallback';
            opts.params = {};
            opts.params.api_key = '2a21b46e58d207e4888e1ece0cb149a5';
            opts.params.format = 'json';

Last, we need to register our newly-created source, to make it available for use by models and collections:

Add to bottom of file: src/data/data.js

   new Source({name: 'flickr'}); 

For more details on the properties available for configuring this source, refer to the API documentation for enyo/JsonpSource and enyo.JsonpRequest. The latter kind is used internally by enyo/JsonpSource, and is configured by properties on the opts hash.

View the code and results of Step 7 in JSFiddle

8: Create a collection subkind for searching

Next, we'll create a subkind of enyo/Collection that uses our new Source to fetch a collection of image records based on search text that we give it.

We'll start with a basic subkind, and tell it to use the Source by default:

Add to file: src/data/data.js

    var Collection = require('enyo/Collection');

    var Searchcollection = kind({
        name: 'SearchCollection',
        kind: Collection,
        source: 'flickr'

Note: We use the name we registered for the source as the value of source.

Next, we'll add a published property called searchText, and a searchTextChanged handler, which will destroy any previously fetched records and then fetch more. searchTextChanged will be called automatically whenever the value of searchText is altered.

Edit file: src/data/data.js

    var SearchCollection = kind({
        name: 'SearchCollection',
        kind: Collection,
        source: 'flickr',
        published: {
            searchText: null
        searchTextChanged: function () {
            this.empty({destroy: true});

Finally, we'll override the collection's fetch() function to provide more information to the source about how to retrieve this specific information. Along with the search text, the Flickr photos search API requires us to pass a method query string parameter indicating that we want to search photos. There are a number of optional parameters we could specify as well; for this sample, we'll specify a sort value (so that we get interesting photos), and a limit to the number of results.

    var SearchCollection = kind({
        name: 'SearchCollection',
        kind: Collection,
        source: 'flickr',
        published: {
            searchText: null,
        searchTextChanged: function () {
            this.empty({destroy: true});
        fetch: function (opts) {
            this.params = {
                method: 'flickr.photos.search',
                sort: 'interestingness-desc',
                per_page: 50,
                text: this.searchText
            return this.inherited(arguments);

Ultimately, the search parameters need to be added to the params hash that our Source passes on to the JsonpRequest. You'll notice above that we set these in a params hash on the collection; we'll update the source to look for these parameters and add them to the params that are passed along:

Edit file: src/data/data.js

    var utils = require('enyo/utils');

    var Source = kind({
        name: 'Source',
        kind: JsonpSource,
        urlRoot: 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/',
        fetch: function (rec, opts) {
            opts.callbackName = 'jsoncallback';
            opts.params = utils.clone(rec.params);
            opts.params.api_key = '2a21b46e58d207e4888e1ece0cb149a5';
            opts.params.format = 'json';

Note that we've assigned opts.params to a clone of the params that exist on the rec property (which is a reference to the model/collection being fetched), and then added the source parameters to it. In this way, we combine parameters specific to the SearchCollection with parameters that apply to all Flickr requests that we define on Source--implementing a layered approach that lets us avoid repeating ourselves.

At this point, if we call set('searchText', 'San Francisco') on an instance of our SearchCollection, we should get result data loaded into the collection. But there is one final step.

If we look at a sample of the data returned from a call to the API, we can see that it is not actually an array, which is what enyo/Collection expects. The array of photo records is actually nested a couple levels down in the object returned:

Sample response from Flickr "flickr.photos.search" API

        "photos": {
            "page": 1,
            "pages": 171118,
            "perpage": 50,
            "total": "8555851",
            "photo": [
                    "id": "8866167062",
                    "owner": "23101599@N03",
                    "secret": "2a48819a28",
                    "server": "3748",
                    "farm": 4,
                    "title": "My Wife and The Union Jack",
                    "ispublic": 1,
                    "isfriend": 0,
                    "isfamily": 0
                    "id": "8589709770",
                    "owner": "72199305@N00",
                    "secret": "77042e76b3",
                    "server": "8237",
                    "farm": 9,
                    "title": "Into the Fog",
                    "ispublic": 1,
                    "isfriend": 0,
                    "isfamily": 0

To deal with this, Enyo provides a parse() function that allows us to transform data retrieved from the server into data appropriate for our specific collections and models. In our implementation of parse(), we simply take the passed-in data argument (which reflects the raw data received) and return the array that we actually want to load into the collection--which, in this case, is data.photos.photo:

Edit file: src/data/data.js

    var SearchCollection = kind({
        name: 'SearchCollection',
        options: { parse: true },
        parse: function (data) {
            return data && data.photos && data.photos.photo;

Note: By default, Enyo will not call the parse method unless you set the parse option to true.

View the code and results of Step 8 in JSFiddle

9: Create a model subkind for image records

There's one last piece we need before we can hook everything up and see it all in action. That's an enyo/Model subkind to wrap the records that are fetched by our SearchCollection. To be clear, enyo/Collection doesn't require a custom subkind of enyo/Model; it will default to wrapping the individual objects of the array it receives, with a generic enyo/Model, allowing the properties on the records to be bindable using Enyo's bindings.

Looking again at the data returned from the Flickr API, we discover something interesting--the data doesn't include a URL for the image!

            "id": "8866167062",
            "owner": "23101599@N03",
            "secret": "2a48819a28",
            "server": "3748",
            "farm": 4,
            "title": "My Wife and The Union Jack",
            "ispublic": 1,
            "isfriend": 0,
            "isfamily": 0
            "id": "8589709770",
            "owner": "72199305@N00",
            "secret": "77042e76b3",
            "server": "8237",
            "farm": 9,
            "title": "Into the Fog",
            "ispublic": 1,
            "isfriend": 0,
            "isfamily": 0

Since we want to present a grid of images found by the search, this is a problem. It turns out that Flickr requires you to construct the URL from the data returned, according to a scheme documented in their API guide. Essentially, the URL is assembled as follows:


where [mstzb] indicates a size option. To accommodate this, we'll create a subkind of enyo/Model that uses computed properties to dynamically build a thumbnail URL and an original URL, based on other properties contained in the model data:

Edit file: src/data/data.js

    var Model = require('enyo/Model');

    var ImageModel = kind({
        name: 'ImageModel',
        kind: Model,
        computed: [
            {method: 'thumbnail', path: ['farm', 'server', 'id', 'secret']},
            {method: 'original', path: ['farm', 'server', 'id', 'secret']}
        thumbnail: function () {
            return 'https://farm' + this.get('farm') +
                '.static.com/' + this.get('server') +
                '/' + this.get('id') + '_' + this.get('secret') + '_m.jpg';
        original: function () {
            return 'https://farm' + this.get('farm') +
                '.static.com/' + this.get('server') +
                '/' + this.get('id') + '_' + this.get('secret') + '.jpg';

Additional notes on this code:

Last, we'll tell our SearchCollection to wrap all records fetched, using our new ImageModel (rather than the default enyo/Model) by specifying the model property on the collection:

Edit file: src/data/data.js

    var SearchCollection = kind({
        name: 'SearchCollection',
        model: ImageModel,

View the code and results of Step 9 in JSFiddle

10: Connect the input, collection, and grid

At last, it's time to see all of our hard work in action. To recap what we've done so far:

So, let's hook these pieces together. First, in our SearchPanel, we'll set the grid list's collection type to be our new SearchCollection:

Edit file: src/view/views.js

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        create: function () {
            this.set('photos', new SearchCollection());

Next, when the search input change handler fires, we'll set the input text to the search collection's searchText property:

Edit file: src/view/views.js

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        search: function (sender, ev) {
            this.$.resultList.collection.set('searchText', ev.originator.get('value'));

You may recall that setting searchText kicks off a fetch of the SearchCollection via the flickr source, using the parameters passed from the collection. When the collection gets its data, each record will be wrapped in our ImageModel, and the moonstone/DataGridList will be notified that new models were added to its collection property. The grid list will render an instance of moonstone/GridListImageItem controls for each model, and will use the bindings we set up from the title attribute and thumbnail computed property to update each item's view properties. And that's it! We now have a functioning search panel.

Try it out by typing something into the input in the header and pressing Enter. You should see a list of images corresponding to your search text.

View the code and results of Step 10 in JSFiddle

11. Add a loading spinner to search panel

The Flickr API may take a bit of time to return the results of the search, so we'll add a moonstone/Spinner control to be shown while the collection is fetching, to let the user know we're working on returning their data.

We can place the spinner in the header's "client" area. This is exposed on moonstone/Panel via the headerComponents array:

    var Spinner = require('moonstone/Spinner');

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        headerComponents: [
            {kind: Spinner, content: 'Loading...', name: 'spinner'}

enyo/Collection provides a status property that is updated with its current state. We can bind the spinner's showing property to updates of this property and use a transform to test for the specific conditions we're interested in:

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        headerComponents: [
            {kind: Spinner, content: 'Loading...', name: 'spinner'}
        bindings: [
            {from: 'photos.status', to:'$.spinner.showing', transform: function (value) {
                return this.photos.isBusy();

That's all there is to it! Now, when you press Enter to start a search, you should see the spinner run until the data is returned and the list is updated.

Note: A transform is a handy way to convert data in one format to another, such as converting a string to a number. In this case, we could have looked up all the status codes for the collection that correspond to a busy state and converted that to the boolean we need, however, collection provides a convenience method called isBusy() that does exactly what we need.

View the code and results of Step 11 in JSFiddle

12. Create a photo detail panel

Now that we have a fully functioning search panel, let's move ahead and add a photo detail panel. This will show a larger version of the image selected from the search panel, along with some more detailed information about the photo--for example, the user who took the photo and the date it was taken.

First, we'll create another subkind of moonstone/Panel for our detail panel, and place a moonstone/Image in the components block. (We'll use the panel header's titleBelow and subTitleBelow properties to show the other data.)

    var Image = require('moonstone/Image'),
        FittableLayout = require('layout/FittableLayout'),
        FittableColumnsLayout = FittableLayout.Columns;

    var DetailPanel = kind({
        name: 'DetailPanel',
        kind: Panel,
        layoutKind: FittableColumnsLayout,
        components: [
            {kind: Image, fit: true, sizing: 'contain'}

Additional notes on this code:

When we push this panel onto our main view's moonstone/Panels (in the next step), we'll set a model property on the panel, from which we'll access the image URL. So let's go ahead and set up bindings from the model's title and original URL attribute to the view.

    var DetailPanel = kind({
        name: 'DetailPanel',
        kind: Panel,
        layoutKind: FittableColumnsLayout,
        components: [
            {kind: Image, fit: true, sizing: 'contain', name: 'image'}
        bindings: [
            {from: 'model.title', to: 'title'},
            {from: 'model.original', to: '$.image.src'}

We can't see this panel yet because we haven't put it into the view. Let's move on to our next step and do that.

View the code and results of Step 12 in JSFiddle

13. Add handlers for transitioning to detail page

To get our new DetailPanel onto the screen, we'll need to push a new panel onto the moonstone/Panels instance owned by our MainView. There are many patterns you could use to achieve this, depending on the information architecture and control structure of your application.

For this sample, we'll consider the MainView to be the panel controller for the app (since it owns the panels instance), and provide a custom onRequestPushPanel event API for requesting that new panels be pushed onto the panel stack.

First, we'll add a handler for the new custom onRequestPushPanel event to MainView; this handler will call the pushPanel API on our moonstone/Panels instance:

    var MainView = kind({
        name: 'MainView',
        handlers: {
            onRequestPushPanel: 'pushPanel'
        pushPanel: function (sender, ev) {

We'll expect the event to have a panel property, which will hold the panel definition passed to the pushPanel() API on moonstone/Panels to create, render, and push the new panel onto the panel stack. With this mechanism in place, any child of MainView may bubble an onRequestPushPanel event with a panel property to push a new panel onto the stack.

First, let's go back to the SearchPanel and add a tap handler to the grid list items that will use this new event API:

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        components: [
            {kind: DataGridList, ..., ontap: 'itemSelected', ...}
        itemSelected: function (sender, ev) {
            // ev.index will reference the index associated with the tapped item
            // ev.model will reference the model associated with the tapped item

Additional notes on this code:

Next, we declare that the SearchPanel will bubble the onRequestPushPanel event, and then implement the itemSelected() handler to bubble the event, passing the panel definition in the event payload:

    var SearchPanel = kind({
        name: 'SearchPanel',
        events: {
            onRequestPushPanel: ''
        components: [
            {kind: DataGridList, ..., ontap: 'itemSelected', ...}
        itemSelected: function (sender, ev) {
            this.doRequestPushPanel({panel: {kind: DetailPanel, model: ev.model}});

Additional notes on this code:

Go ahead and try this: Do a search, then click on an image. The search panel should "breadcrumb" and animate to the left, while the detail panel should appear with the title set and the image displayed below the header.

View the code and results of Step 13 in JSFiddle

14. Get detailed photo information

Recall that we wanted to show some more detail on the photo detail page, such as the name of the user who took the photo and the date it was taken. Although Flickr provides this information, it is, unfortunately, not included in the records returned from the search API. It is actually quite common for REST APIs that a fetch of a collection of models to return only a subset of the available fields. A subsequent fetch of the record (using the model's primary key) is then needed to get the full set of fields.

No problem. We'll just go back to our ImageModel and implement a fetch()/parse() scheme similar to what we have in our collection, to enable the fetching of a full image record based on the partial information obtained from the search collection. When we move to the detail panel, we'll call fetch() on the model to request the additional information.

First, let's set the source for the image model to our Flickr source, and then override the fetch() function on enyo/Model to pass Source a params hash with the information needed to fetch detailed image models (similar to what we did in SearchCollection):

    var ImageModel = kind({
        name: 'ImageModel',
        source: 'flickr',
        fetch: function (opts) {
            this.params = {
                method: 'flickr.photos.getinfo',
                photo_id: this.get('id')
            return this.inherited(arguments);

Here, we set the method parameter to flickr.photos.getinfo to reach the Flickr photo information endpoint. We also pass a photo_id property, whose value will already be available from the partial field set loaded by the collection.

Next, let's examine the data we get back from a call to this endpoint:

Sample of data returned by call to "flickr.photos.getinfo" API

        "photo": {
            "id": "59948935",
            "secret": "a91e6e451d",
            "server": "28",
            "farm": 1,
            "dateuploaded": "1131178052",
            "isfavorite": 0,
            "license": "0",
            "safety_level": "0",
            "rotation": 0,
            "owner": {
                "nsid": "44124472651@N01",
                "username": "Ben McLeod",
                "realname": "Ben McLeod",
                "location": "Portland, OR, USA",
                "iconserver": "1",
                "iconfarm": 1,
                "path_alias": "benmcleod"
            "dates": {
                "posted": "1131178052",
                "taken": "2005-11-05 02:03:00",
                "takengranularity": "0",
                "lastupdate": "1389562416"

Again, the data fields for the ImageModel attributes are nested inside a photos object, so we'll need to add a parse() function to our model to return just the set of fields to be added to the model's attributes from the raw data. For performance, enyo/Model only makes the top-level properties bindable. Since we're interested in the owner.realname and dates.taken fields, we can deal with those in the parse() function also:

    var ImageModel = kind({
        name: 'ImageModel',
        options: { parse: true },
        parse: function (data) {
            data = data.photo || data;
            data.title = data.title._content || data.title;
            data.username = data.owner && data.owner.realname;
            data.taken = data.dates && data.dates.taken;
            return data;

Additional notes on this code:

Note that we won't see a change in the app yet, since we're not explicitly fetching the full model yet. We'll do that next.

View the code and results of Step 14 in JSFiddle

15. Fetch and bind detailed image data to detail panel

Now that we have a fetch() method on our model that can retrieve detailed information, let's put it to use.

Although we could have the collection automatically fetch detailed information as soon as the model is loaded into the collection, that would require a lot of network overhead for data that may never be shown (since we'll only show it if the user moves to the detail page for that item). So we'll only fetch the detailed data once the user has decided to view the detail page.

We could call fetch() in the itemSelected handler in SearchPanel, but we'll avoid doing so for one simple reason: performance. Since we'll bind the detail properties to the view, the data will be pushed into the view (causing a DOM update) as soon as it is fetched. In general, that's great, but some platforms have trouble maintaining acceptable animation frame rates while updating the DOM. Since the itemSelected handler calls pushPanels(), causing an immediate panel animation, we'll defer calling the model fetch() until the animation completes.

Luckily, moonstone/Panels lets us specify a callback (transitionFinished) that allows us to do post-transition work, such as updating the view. We'll implement this on our panel instance, and call this.model.fetch() when we are moving to the detail panel (i.e., when the "to" index is greater than the "from" index):

    var DetailPanel = kind({
        name: 'DetailPanel',
        transitionFinished: function (info) {
            if (info.from < info.to) {

Now all we need to do is add some bindings to get our detailed data properties (realname and taken) into the view. Here are some simple bindings that bind these fields into the panel header's titleBelow and subTitleBelow properties:

    var DetailPanel = kind({
        name: 'DetailPanel',
        bindings: [
            {from: 'model.username', to: 'titleBelow'},
            {from: 'model.taken', to: 'subTitleBelow'}

We can make it a bit more interesting if we add transform functions to the bindngs, to format the raw values from the model into more user-friendly strings:

    var DetailPanel = kind({
        name: 'DetailPanel',
        bindings: [
            {from: 'model.username', to: 'titleBelow', transform: function (val) {
                return 'By ' + (val || ' unknown user');
            {from: 'model.taken', to: 'subTitleBelow', transform: function (val) {
                return val ? 'Taken ' + val : '';

Now, when you move to the detail page, you should see the user and date taken information in the header as soon as the data is fetched.

View the code and results of Step 15 in JSFiddle

16. Add fullscreen image viewer

The "Always Viewing" panels pattern used in this app is specially designed to provide a lightweight browsing interface in moonstone/Panels above fullscreen content, such as fullscreen video playback, audio playback, or photo viewing. To demonstrate how to switch between the panels overlay and the fullscreen content, we'll add a simple image viewer in the "basement" (a term we use to describe the screen area underneath any overlying panels).

First, let's add the image viewer. enyo/ImageView provides a basic image view with scroll-to-zoom and drag-to-pan capability. We'll place an ImageView in our MainView, before the panels instance, using the enyo-fit class to fit it to the full bounds of the screen:

    var MainView = kind({
        name: 'MainView',
        components: [
            {kind: ImageView, name: 'imageViewer', classes: 'enyo-fit', src: 'assets/splash.png'},
            {kind: Panels, ...}

Next, let's add another custom event handler to the main view to allow the DetailPanel (or any other panel we may add in the future) to request that a new image be loaded into the image viewer:

    var MainView = kind({
        name: 'MainView',
        handlers: {
            onRequestFullScreen: 'fullscreen'
        fullscreen: function (sender, ev) {
            this.$.imageViewer.set('src', ev.model.get('original'));

As before, the custom event handler expects a specific event payload--here the model property should be set to the image model that is requesting fullscreen viewing. We'll set the original URL property to the src property of the enyo/ImageView. We'll also hide the panels, so that the fullscreen content is unobstructed. The user can always return to the panels to resume browsing by hovering over the handle at the right edge of the screen and tapping.

Now we need to bubble this new event from our detail page. Let's add a "View Fullscreen" button to the panel header's client area, along with a tap handler that bubbles the onRequestFullScreen event, passing the model mentioned above:

    var DetailPanel = kind({
        name: 'DetailPanel',
        events: {
            onRequestFullScreen: ''
        headerComponents: [
            {kind: 'moon.Button', ontap: 'requestFullScreen', small: true, content: 'View Fullscreen'}
        requestFullScreen: function () {
            this.doRequestFullScreen({model: this.model});

You should be able to press the "View Fullscreen" button from the detail view and see the selected photo fullscreen, then return to browsing by re-opening the panels via the handle at the right edge.

View the code and results of Step 16 in JSFiddle

17. Final embellishments

In our final app, you'll see that we made a few additional improvements:

Feel free to browse through these additions, and to try adding your own ideas for features to improve the app!

View the finished application and source code

18. Minify/deploy your app

When you are finished developing your app, you will want to "deploy" it. By default, enyo pack produces debug code. When you are ready to deploy your app, you will want to minify the libraries and app source code. To do this, add the -production option to enyo pack:

enyo pack --production

Please refer to the Platform-Specific Deployment guide for more information.