Data Lists

In addition to the basic list kinds (List and Repeater), Enyo and Moonstone offer a separate set of data list kinds, which feature built-in support for data binding. If you've designed your app to use Enyo's data layer, you'll find these controls to be both convenient and powerful.

(Note: The following discussion assumes familiarity with the concepts presented in Building Data-Driven Apps; if you haven't read that article, it may be worthwhile to do so now.)


enyo/DataRepeater is an enyo/Control that iterates over the items in an enyo/Collection, repeatedly rendering and synchronizing data records (instances of enyo/Model) with properties on its own child components.

For each record in the collection, a corresponding child control is rendered in the DataRepeater. If the appropriate data bindings exist, child controls will automatically update when properties on the underlying records are modified; if a record is destroyed, the corresponding child will also be destroyed.


enyo/DataList is an enyo/DataRepeater that employs a paginated scrolling scheme to enhance performance with larger data sets. The data is provided to the DataList by the enyo/Collection set as the value of the DataList's collection property.

Be careful when deciding how to lay out the list's children. When there are a large number of child elements, the layout process can be taxing for the browser. Avoid dynamically-updated layouts that require lots of calculations each time the data in the view is updated. Try to use CSS whenever possible.

While paging through data, enyo/DataList emits the paging event, which you may handle to make updates on a per-page basis, as necessary. You may register for this event by calling addListener() and specifying the event, along with a callback method.

The callback method receives a reference to the enyo/DataList, the name of the event (paging), and a hash with the properties start, end, and action, referring, respectively, to the lowest active index in the data set, the highest active index, and the action that triggered the paging. The value of action may be either 'scroll' or 'reset'.


enyo/DataGridList is a paginated enyo/DataList designed to lay out its children in a grid pattern. As in the DataList, the child controls in a DataGridList are directly linked to underlying records in an enyo/Collection.

DataGridList is flexible in its handling of layout, so the spacing of its children must be set using the kind's available API (e.g., the spacing, minWidth, and minHeight properties). Note that a DataGridList will attempt to grow or shrink the size of its children in order to keep them evenly spaced.

moonstone/DataList and moonstone/DataGridList

Moonstone offers its own variants of DataList and DataGridList--namely, moonstone/DataList and moonstone/DataGridList. Aside from the addition of Moonstone visual styling and support for focus management using Spotlight, these Moonstone kinds are essentially the same as the Enyo kinds from which they are derived.

For an example of how moonstone/DataGridList may be used in an application, see the Moonstone App Tutorial.


layout/GridListImageItem is a convenience component that may be used inside an enyo/DataGridList to display an image grid.


moonstone/GridListImageItem extends layout/GridListImageItem, adding Moonstone-specific configuration, styling, decorators and Spotlight/focus-state management.

Add instances of moonstone/GridListImageItem as components of a moonstone/DataGridList to create an image grid.